Thursday, May 23, 2013

Running MFlow applications on Heroku

Updated: see my comments below.

After signing up in heroku and downloaded the heroku command line tools and the git tools,  you must have your application in a local git repository  and your command shell must be located where the .git directory is. Your application must have a cabal file,  and the file called ProcFile must contain the following:

> cat ProcFile

web  ./dist/build/path-to-the-executable-generated-by-cabal

Then create the heroku instance name and push it to heroku with these two commands, using anvil:

Don´t do it under Windows. It does not work!! Don´t spend a month trying it like me thinking that I am stupid!. Anvil currently does not work in Windows.

>heroku create myinstancename

>heroku plugins:install

>heroku build -r -b

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